Softwareproject Informatica


Gourds, unlock that picture

Gourds is a brand-new puzzle game that revolutionizes sliding puzzles. The result of this project is an intuitive web application that implements the puzzle. A major component is an algorithm that generates puzzle boards based on the colors of an image. Users can upload images to create custom puzzles with this algorithm. These custom puzzles…

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Financial Care

Care & cure institutions are struggling to manage their financial processes. The large amounts of complex data can result in months of work each year. This is why our client came to us with a question: He wanted us to create an application that would speed up these processes. Such an application would need to…

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Het verhinderingsspel is een online opleidingsmodule voor treindienstleiders, ontwikkeld in opdracht van ProRail. Een treindienstleider in opleiding kan aan de hand van gesimuleerde situaties oefenen met het plaatsen van verhinderingen. Deze verhinderingen dingen geplaatst te worden om het spoornetwerk te allen tijde veilig te houden. De applicatie leert de treindienstleider de theorie achter het plaatsen…

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Driving Assistance Interface for Simulated Interventions

As driver assistance technologies are researched, many different algorithms for this application are developed. Research needs to be done to determine how drivers react to the assistance provided by any of these algorithms. For this purpose, these algorithms should be tested with real users. A simulated driving assistance system has been developed on behalf of…

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Graph data analysis is growing increasingly important, whether it is in banking, biological sciences or logistics. GraphPolaris brings the ability to perform this analysis to everyone. With a simple drag-and-drop interface users can generate queries to their databases, whose results are interactively presented in a variety of visualisation methods. Additionally, GraphPolaris gives insight into the…

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Botz Quest

Stichting Praktijkleren heeft opdracht gegeven een webapplicatie te bouwen die gebruikt zal worden als lesmateriaal voor beginnende ICT studenten in het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs. Hiertoe is CodeQuest Online ontwikkeld: gemaakt om leerlingen kennis te laten maken met de beginselen van het programmeren. In de interactieve wereld komen stapsgewijs nieuwe programmeerconcepten aan bod. Docenten worden voorzien van…

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Energiebesparing met data: inzicht en acties

  The bachelor thesis for Computer Science students at Utrecht University requires its students to develop software for a client in the industry. We chose to work with EnergiePartners to create the EnergiePlanner++, a web module that aids their customers in reducing their energy consumption through automated analyses. Advisors can create these analyses by combining…

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Explore cultural heritage of a city

The goal of the StoryBee project was to create a mobile application that would allow citizens and tourists to explore intangible urban heritage. We have created an app where users can see points of interest around them marked on a map that they can open when they are near that location. On location they can read stories created by other users as well as submit their own stories. To accompany the StoryBee app we also created a website that can be used by administrators to moderate content, by trusted users like museums to remotely add stories and by regular users to view and maintain their own stories.

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