Softwareproject Informatica

Alle projecten

Financial Care

Care & cure institutions are struggling to manage their financial processes. The large amounts of complex data can result in months of work each year. This is why our client came to us with a question: He wanted us to create an application that would speed up these processes. Such an application would need to…

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Het verhinderingsspel is een online opleidingsmodule voor treindienstleiders, ontwikkeld in opdracht van ProRail. Een treindienstleider in opleiding kan aan de hand van gesimuleerde situaties oefenen met het plaatsen van verhinderingen. Deze verhinderingen dingen geplaatst te worden om het spoornetwerk te allen tijde veilig te houden. De applicatie leert de treindienstleider de theorie achter het plaatsen…

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Voor het project Redoublet hebben wij voor onze opdrachtgever een bridge website en analyse app ontwikkeld. Op kunnen bridge fanaten zowel tegen de computer als online met hun vrienden spelen. Ook hebben wij een app ontwikkeld voor tijdens het spelen van een fysiek spel bridge. Hiermee kunnen spelers hun kaarten in scannen en krijgen…

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The FairRecKit is an easy-to-use web-based analysis software that aids researchers in understanding the underlying mechanisms of recommender systems. The final product features 5 datasets, 11 metrics and over 20 different recommendation algorithms to be used in experiments. The FairRecKit is developed with a modular design in mind, to make it easily accessible and extendable…

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Duck Development

Due to the major lack of high school computer science teachers, there was a demand for a student modelling and recommending service. This was created, along with some extra recommender systems, such as peer recommenders, suggesting certain peers to each other as learning buddies. This system can be implemented to take away some burdens on…

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Driving Assistance Interface for Simulated Interventions

As driver assistance technologies are researched, many different algorithms for this application are developed. Research needs to be done to determine how drivers react to the assistance provided by any of these algorithms. For this purpose, these algorithms should be tested with real users. A simulated driving assistance system has been developed on behalf of…

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Dashboard on regulation of medicines data

  Medicine evaluation boards across Europe evaluate medicines for European market approval. The resulting regulatory reports are published on the European Medicines Agency website. Data on these medicine regulatory procedures is collected by a scraper created in a collaboration between Utrecht University regulatory science researchers and the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board. Visualization of this data…

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European Values Maps

Throughout Europe, people have many different opinions towards common human values. To get an understanding of these opinions, the European Values Study conducted a survey across the continent. Our goal was to create software that can visualize the opinions gathered in a conceptual map. Here, we report on the product that we have constructed in…

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