Softwareproject Informatica

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Study Project Companion

Increasingly more students experience stress, with the two main causes being the pressure to graduate as soon as possible and procrastination. During the graduation process, it may be beneficial for students to get additional support. Our client’s goal is to provide that support. StUUdy is an e-coaching app that helps students with their thesis or…

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Graph data analysis is growing increasingly important, whether it is in banking, biological sciences or logistics. GraphPolaris brings the ability to perform this analysis to everyone. With a simple drag-and-drop interface users can generate queries to their databases, whose results are interactively presented in a variety of visualisation methods. Additionally, GraphPolaris gives insight into the…

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XTC pharmacy citizen-science game

This thesis discusses the design and implementation of a serious citizen science game for research into drug regulation for harm reduction purposes. The game, developed for Poppi, simulates what legal XTC sale would look like in three different scenarios: a pharmacy, a smartshop and a night club. Players are able to control what rules apply…

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Botz Quest

Stichting Praktijkleren heeft opdracht gegeven een webapplicatie te bouwen die gebruikt zal worden als lesmateriaal voor beginnende ICT studenten in het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs. Hiertoe is CodeQuest Online ontwikkeld: gemaakt om leerlingen kennis te laten maken met de beginselen van het programmeren. In de interactieve wereld komen stapsgewijs nieuwe programmeerconcepten aan bod. Docenten worden voorzien van…

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Applied training game internationale operaties (sequel)

The Dutch Police Academy currently uses real life training and simple videos to train their police officers on cross-border operations. However, this real life training is very expensive and the videos lack interactivity. This is where our applied game comes in, the perfect middle ground between interactivity and cost. A two part solution consisting of…

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Human factors research tool

ProRail doet onderzoek naar de mentale werkdruk van treinverkeersleiders om deze te verlagen en de spoorwegen veiliger te maken. Tijdens hun onderzoek hadden zij geen systeem om data goed interpreteerbaar te maken of centraal op te slaan. Wij hebben een tool gemaakt die de gegenereerde data van de sensoren samen bundelt, deze schoonmaakt, opslaat en…

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Utrecht Companion to the Earth (sequel)

Continuing the work of last year’s project, the Utrecht Companion to the Earth team has built an android application for the GeoScience students that will change the way field work is being conducted by replacing the need for physical maps and supervision. The UCE app aims to enhance the student learning experience during fieldwork through…

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SearchSECO: A Search Engine for the Worldwide Software Ecosystem

In this software project we have created a distributed database system containing abstracted code fragments that are pulled from code host websites like GitHub. Together with a distributed job infrastructure so worker nodes can connect to the network and pull jobs to add data to the database. Our final product consists of a distributed database…

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GraphPolaris – Visual Graphs Analysis for the Masses

Graph data is everywhere. Think of social networks, supply chains, and drug research to name a few. Graph data can be extremely complex, but it does not have to be. GraphPolaris is a tool that opens up graph data analysis to everyone. A simple drag and drop query builder allows everyone to build queries. The…

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