Softwareproject Informatica

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SearchSECO: A Search Engine for the Worldwide Software Ecosystem

In this software project we have created a distributed database system containing abstracted code fragments that are pulled from code host websites like GitHub. Together with a distributed job infrastructure so worker nodes can connect to the network and pull jobs to add data to the database. Our final product consists of a distributed database…

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GraphPolaris – Visual Graphs Analysis for the Masses

Graph data is everywhere. Think of social networks, supply chains, and drug research to name a few. Graph data can be extremely complex, but it does not have to be. GraphPolaris is a tool that opens up graph data analysis to everyone. A simple drag and drop query builder allows everyone to build queries. The…

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Uitbouw Knowledge & Skills development portal

Defensity College is a working student program for academic students who want to know more about the Dutch Department of Defense. To be able to manage activities and work offers for students, an app is developed in which they can apply for these types of events. This app works together with a back office, which…

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Energiebesparing met data: inzicht en acties

  The bachelor thesis for Computer Science students at Utrecht University requires its students to develop software for a client in the industry. We chose to work with EnergiePartners to create the EnergiePlanner++, a web module that aids their customers in reducing their energy consumption through automated analyses. Advisors can create these analyses by combining…

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Analyse student activities

Box in a Box ICT De Universiteit Utrecht (UU) maakt gebruik van het LifeLongLearning platform (LLL). Dit is een onderwijs-leermiddel waar cursussen, met bijbehorend ondersteunend materiaal, op worden aangeboden. Vanuit de universiteit was er vraag naar om naast de mogelijkheid om analyses uit te kunnen voeren op de handelingen van studenten, ook een koppeling tussen…

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PoliceAcademy game

Terminus is een applied game ontwikkeld in samenwerking tussen Universiteit Utrecht en De Politie-academie. De game fungeert als een gereedschap inzetbaar om kennis rondom grensoverschrijdend opereren over te brengen op agenten en agenten in opleiding. Het project bestaat uit zowel een game waarin de speler verschillende casussen kan doorlopen, als een onderhoudstool waarin deze casussen…

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Accessible APE

The Automated Pipeline Explorer (abbreviated as ‘APE’) is a tool that can generate workflows based on desired input and output. It is a useful tool for scientists from computational sciences, as workflows are often used within this area. APE aids scientists by automating the process of creating workflows. Initially, APE was only usable through a…

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Care2Report automates summarization of human communication and actions between a professional and their client. The intent is to reduce the administrative burden of writing reports through automatic generation of a report, based on real-time multimodal input. This summarization covers multiple aspects related to articial intelligence; e.g. speech to text and natural language processing. We’ve extended…

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App to manage educational workflow

The organisation needed a way to manage students that were employed at College. Our team, from Utrecht University, was assigned to solve this problem as part of our bachelor thesis. We created an app in React Native that is built for Android and iOS devices and a back office with management capabilities in React. Additionally,…

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Helpdesk Chatbot 2.0

The objective of the project is to make a chatbot, which achieves natural language interpretation and communication with the user. The function of this bot will be handling questions for the ITS (Information and Technology Services) of Utrecht University. The bot we created also includes an admin panel and various ways to handle user Input….

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